How to talk to your children about nuclear war
With so much happening in the world right now chances are that the talk of nuclear war is happening even on the playground where your children play.
As a parent, guardian or caring educator, there is much you can do to ease the heart of the children under your care.

#1: Remember children are extremely impressionable
What children see on television and hear at home will have a lasting impression on them. The reality is that your children probably have already been exposed to conversations regarding Nuclear war. This means that it now something that they are actively thinking about and worried about.
Take some time out of your day to spend time with your children in a relaxed setting. Allow them to express themselves on the topic. You can gently guide the discussion by asking questions like: What do you know about Necular War? What have you heard others say about it? How does this make you feel?
These questions will afford you the opportunity to learn what's on your children heart. It will also assist you in determining how best to help your children cope with the stress this topic may have caused them.
#2: Children need constant reassurance
Once you determine how your child is coping with the topic of Necular war, assure them that everything is going to be OK.
Let your children know that you are there to protect them and that worrying about something that may never happen is a waste of time and emotion.
Your children may hear this topic talked about often at school and in the community, therefore, reassure them on a weekly basis as the need may arise.
This will give your children a sense of security and stability that will improve their overall mental health.
#3: Give children a long break from the news
While it is important for adults to stay informed on what's happening in the world, children do not need as much information.
We often limit the amount of information we give children when talking about sensitive subjects, however, with a cell phone and iPad in the hands of most children, protecting them from too much information has become more challenging.
Only give your children access to the games and websites you want them to visit. You can ask your service provider to walk you through the safety tools on their devices so that you have complete control over what your child is watching and listening to at all times.
It is true that the world is a scary place, but as loving parents and caring adults let us keep protecting the minds and hearts of our children.