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Called a nigger by kids at school and bullied over his disability, 10-year-old black boy kills hims

Writer's picture: Legend Magazine Legend Magazine

By: Joseph Bonner

Twitter: @mrjosephbonner

Facebook @mrjosephbonner

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Called a nigger by kids at school and bullied over his  disability, 10-year-old black boy kills himself  Seven Bridges

Called a nigger by kids at school and bullied over his disability, 10-year-old black boy kills himself

Seven Charles Thomas Bridges is described on his mothers GoFundMe page as a loving and charismatic 10-year-old boy who tragically took his life on Saturday, January 19th, 2019, after relentless bullying at school over the color of his skin and his medical condition.

Facebook videos from the mother dating back to 5 months earlier in 2018, describe an event where a fellow student at Kerrick Elementary of the Jefferson County School District in Kentucky, choked Seven Bridges until he passes out and used a racial slur against him.

The mother, Tami Charles, recently revealed in interviews that Seven was also bullied by kids due to a medical condition that required him to wear a colostomy bag that occasionally leaked.

Despite pleas to administrators at Kerrick Elementary and the Jefferson County School Board, the bullying continued until Seven felt he could no longer take it.

Ms. Charles came into Seven's room a little after 10 am on the morning of January 19th, to discover that her son had tragically hung himself.

Later that day Seven had planned on attending his best friends party but instead, Ms. Charles had to begin planning his funeral.

Ms. Charles has set up a GoFundMe page to help offset the cost associated Sevens funeral.

Personal Thoughts

A friend on Facebook reminded me of what a beautiful name this young man had. Seven Bridges.

What I learn most from his death is that parents and educators must keep working diligently to bridge the gaps of empathy, tolerance and acceptance lacking from the hearts of children and adolescence due to a lack of emotional understanding, accountability and love of neighbor.

Perhaps now, a bridge will connect from one child's heart to the next, until all youths finally understands the devastating impact bullying has on their peers.

We all hold some responsibility for the actions of our children and the actions of the children under our care.

Let us not beat ourselves up over past mistakes.

Let us learn, grow and be better now.

The death of Seven Bridges is a heartbreaking reminder that there are still many more bridges to create to help make this world a safer place for our children and grandchildren.

By: Joseph Bonner

Twitter: @mrjosephbonner

Facebook @mrjosephbonner

LinkedIn @joseph-bonner

Instagram @josephbonnershow


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